Student Health Insurance


  • Open Enrollment for Spring 2024 has begun:
    国内学生可以通过UnitedHealthCare学生资源网站注册研究生医疗保险  我们建议学生分别申请秋季学期和春季/夏季学期的保险. 我们目前正处于春季/夏季保险的第二个开放注册期. 春季/夏季学期的报名截止日期为2024年2月15日.  International students will automatically be enrolled.
  • If you are graduating this summer, you can apply for a two-month continuation of your health insurance.  Log in to your UHCSR account to enroll.
  • Have a few questions you want to be answered quickly? Visit the UHC Student Resources' FAQ page.
  • If you've had a Qualifying Life Event (QLE) - email for more information or see the section below.
  • 请务必查看下面计划亮点中的远程医疗选项.

Eligibility & Enrollment

持有F-1和J-1签证的国际学生在注册课程时参加学生伤害和疾病保险计划. J-1 Scholars and F-1s on OPT are eligible to enroll. 与入学相关的费用将被添加到学费表中. 国际学生对这一过程有疑问或希望放弃保险或必须联系签证 for assistance. 有关国际研究生健康保险的一般信息,请访问Visa & Immigration Services' (VISA) website.

所有在最靠谱的网赌软件主校区或其中一个地区高等教育中心注册课程的攻读学位的学生和博士后研究员都有资格为自己和符合条件的家属注册健康保险. Enrollment is completed online at UnitedHealthcare StudentResources. Payment in full is required when you enroll.

All graduate assistants earning a total of $5,000 a semester or more from ODU, Research Foundation, 或弗吉尼亚临床心理学协会都有资格参加一项补贴计划. 补贴计划向研究生助理提供应税货币补贴. 补助金将在学期中期发放,并将成为研究生助理工资的一部分. 补助金的数额各不相同,并以学期为基础确定. The amount of the subsidy for the 2023-2024 academic year is $1,100. The subsidy is paid by semester, $600 for Spring and $500 for Fall. 符合条件的研究生助理可以在开放注册期间在线注册

从ODU获得5,000美元或更多的研究生有资格参加补贴计划. 补助金的数额各不相同,并以学期为基础确定. The amount of the subsidy for the 2022-2023 academic year is $1,100. The subsidy is paid by semester, $600 for Spring and $500 for Fall. 符合条件的研究生可以在开放注册期间在线注册 补助金将通过财政援助办公室支付,并在学期中期分发.

*IMPORTANT: Please note subsidy payments are considered taxable income.

最靠谱的网赌软件最靠谱的网赌软件研究基金会雇用的博士后研究员及其符合条件的家属有资格参加联合医疗保健学生资源非补贴计划. 博士后不享受医疗保险补助. Enrollment can be completed online at during the open enrollment period. Look for the Enroll Online Now! link. Payment in full is required when you enroll.

  • ODU Student Hourly or Research Foundation Casual Student Hourly
  • Regular Hourly Employees, Classified Staff, and Faculty of any type
  • 通过ODU或研究基金会的应付账款获得资助的研究生
  • 获得与最靠谱的网赌软件或研究基金会没有直接联系的奖学金的研究生


Questions regarding the payment of the subsidy should be directed to 如果您没有收到补助金,请尽快与我们联系. Subsidies cannot be awarded retroactively beyond the plan year.

Plan Highlights

  • 本计划符合平价医疗法案(ACA)对学生健康计划的要求. Health insurance plans are rated on a metal leveling system, with Platinum being the highest and Bronze being the lowest. This plan is rated as Platinum level coverage, 哪一种被认为是优秀的,并被设计为支付大约90%的保单总费用.

  • No annual plan maximum.
  • 低免赔额-网络内每年250美元,网络外每年500美元.
  • 低自付最高限额-每年4000美元用于网络内,7000美元用于网络外.
  • Deductibles, co-insurance, 共同支付(包括处方)都适用于自付最高限额.

  • General Medical Services available 24/7
  • Mental Health Services are available 7:00 am to 9:00 pm
  • No co-payment required for covered students
  • Students without coverage pay a fee based on the service.
    • General Medical fee - $40
    • Mental Health Services
      • Therapist - $85
      • Psychiatrist - $200 for first visit and $95 for on-going visits
  • Service can be accessed via the HealthiestYou app or by phone at 1-855-870-5858.

最靠谱的网赌软件最靠谱的网赌软件研究基金会雇用的博士后研究员及其符合条件的家属有资格参加联合医疗保健学生资源非补贴计划. 博士后不享受医疗保险补助. Enrollment can be completed online at during the open enrollment period. Look for the Enroll Online Now! link. Payment in full is required when you enroll.

2023-2024 Premiums


Fall Premium

8/1/23 - 12/31/23

Spring/Summer Premium

1/1/24 - 7/31/24

Student $1,246.00 $1,735.00
Spouse $1,246.00 $1,735.00
One Child $1,246.00 $1,735.00
Two or more Children $2,492.00 $3,470.00
Spouse and two or more children $3,738.00 $5,205.00

Additional Information

有时事情没有按计划发生,你不得不改变你的健康保险范围. We call those qualifying life events. Examples include turning 26 and losing your parent's health insurance, getting married, having a baby, or loss of employment. There are a few other qualifying life events as well. Please email 如果您认为您有一个QLE,需要更改您的覆盖范围,或者有任何问题. If you're an international student, please email


If you graduate and your plan is expiring, 您有资格申请继续您的注册最多60天. 您必须在计划到期后31天内登记续保. For more information or to get an enrollment form, click here.

COBRA is not provided under this plan.

至于其他短期医疗保险选择,联合医疗有一家姐妹公司, UHOne,提供多种健康、牙科和视力计划,可以满足你的需要. 其他公司也提供个人短期保险,你可以通过谷歌搜索找到.

In addition to health insurance coverage, United Healthcare StudentResources also offers optional dental and vision coverage. These options are both twelve-month policies, 他们可以单独选择,从健康保险范围中分开选择. The open enrollment period for this coverage is during the Fall semester only.

For more information regarding the optional dental and vision coverage, go to the United HealthCare StudentResources website.

Old Dominion University's Student Health Center has information for on-campus health services such as immunizations & vaccinations, prescriptions, laboratory services, and more. Book your appointment at 757-683-3132.

Old Dominion University不为学生提供有关健康保险选择的法律建议或建议. 对健康保险有一般问题的学生可以联系Darrylnet Lyttle, Director, Student Health Services at 757-683-3132.