For Faculty & Staff

On-Campus Student Employment

需要一个学生在校园里为你做兼职、研究或临时任务? Career Development Services serves students and alumni free for life and here's what we have to offer you.

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The Learn & Earn Advantage Program (LEAP) is an on-campus work program that allows eligible undergraduate students the opportunity to earn money and gain valuable job-related skills during the semester through part-time jobs here on campus.

Learn more about LEAP


STAT Program

The Student Temporary Assist Team (STAT) program is an on-campus temporary employment service providing short-term work assignments in various ODU departments. STAT提供各种工作经验和灵活性,以满足不同的时间表和需求. 

Learn more about STAT


Dear [Name of Employer]:

本推荐信是应……的书面要求提供的 [name of student], who has asked me to serve as a reference on [his/her] behalf. It is my understanding that [name of student] is being considered by your organization for the position of [job title]. Please be advised that the information contained in this letter is confidential and should be treated as such. The information should not be disclosed to [name of student, if student has waived access] or anyone in your organization who would not be involved in the hiring decision regarding this individual. Additionally, the information should not be disclosed to anyone outside of your organization without the consent of the student.

I have known [name of student] for the past [number of months, semesters, years] as [he/she] has taken the following courses which I teach: 【最靠谱的网赌软件】. As [his/her] professor, 我有机会观察学生在课堂上的参与和互动, 并评估学生对该主题的知识. 我会给这个学生在这些科目上的总体表现打平均分. This is evidenced by [his/her] grades-[state the grades].

[一两个学生表现的具体例子可能是合适的.] As part of [his/her] grade in [name of course], the student was required to prepare a paper. 这篇论文的目的是衡量学生的研究能力, to analyze the results of the research, and to write. [讨论学生提交的论文如何向你表明学生在这些领域的技能.] 基于此,我认为该学生的技能尚可,但并非出类拔萃.

该学生表现高于平均水平的一个方面是口语交流. [Give specific example to support this.]

Based upon the student's academic performance and my understanding of the position for which the student is applying, 我相信这个学生会表现得很好(在这里进行综合评价)。.







If the career center or faculty prescreen candidates, they are, in effect, acting as an employment agency, 适用于机构的相关法律也适用于就业中心或教职员工.

尽管联邦反歧视条款通常只适用于“雇主”,“许多州都采取了类似的规定,包括个人雇员和第三方. These state law provisions often make it unlawful for any individual or entity to "aid or abet" discriminatory employment practices. Additionally, educational institutions that accept federal funding may run afoul of Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, as amended, 和/或平等保护条款通过实施或认可歧视性的预筛选做法.

一旦就业服务人员或教职员工参与选择过程, 他们可能必须证明筛选所依据的标准是正确的, just like an employer or an employment agency. 当这些标准具有表面歧视或具有歧视性影响时,就会出现问题, such as when a career services office is asked to refer only minority students or a faculty member is asked to refer just female candidates. A career services staff member or faculty member could not defend the action by saying the employer "told me to do it."

就业服务部门的工作人员和教职员工在为雇主做选择时参与得越少, the less likely the staff and educational institution will become embroiled in administrative claims and litigation if a student believes that he or she was discriminated against as a result of not being selected to interview.

by Edward Easterly, Esq., Norris, McLaughlin, & Marcus, Reprinted from the August 29, 2012, Spotlight

As a faculty member, you can support the career aspirations of your students and graduates and complement the work of career services offices on your campus. Helping students in their job and internship searches can sometimes raise unanticipated legal or ethical issues, 这篇简短的指南旨在为您提供您可能遇到的领域的指导. Please note that this guide is not all encompassing: You should contact your institution's legal counsel if you have concerns on how to address a particular issue.

The National Association of Colleges and Employers (NACE), 大学毕业生就业信息的主要来源, 提供了一套道德标准,指导工作和实习的寻找和招聘过程. The Principles for Ethical Professional Practice are based on two basic precepts: maintaining a recruitment process that is fair and equitable; and supporting informed and responsible decision making by candidates.


1. 实行合理、负责、透明的行为;

2. Act without bias;

3. Ensure equitable access;

4. Comply with applicable local, state and federal laws, and

5. 保护学生职业和招聘相关信息的机密性.

Note that complying with an employer request to recommend or rank student candidates may present a conflict of interest. As agents of the institution, in general, faculty should put the interests of students ahead of the interests of employers when responding to requests for information or referrals; in addition, any information provided must be based upon facts.


Employers may contact you to request the names of students who would be good candidates for internship and job opportunities. 乍一看,提供你最好的学生的名字似乎是无害的. 然而,存在一些潜在的法律和道德陷阱. 通过“定期”确定个人就业, you and your institution could be subject to liability if you do not comply with all equal employment opportunity laws, 哪些禁止基于个人受保护分类的歧视, such as their race, age, gender, sexual orientation, disability, national origin, or gender identity.

Guidance: If you receive a request for student referrals, the initial request from the employer should be sent to the college career center so that the position can be posted openly for all qualified candidates. If the opportunity is broadly posted, 那么你也可以鼓励学生申请这个职位. Be mindful, however, that if you do choose to encourage students to apply, 你不应该把这种鼓励只局限于一类人, or you could potentially expose yourself and the educational institution to a claim for discrimination.

Rationale: We are required to maintain an environment of equal employment opportunity and act in a fair and nondiscriminatory manner without regard of a student's race, gender, gender identity, ethnicity, sexual orientation, religion, national origin, disability, age, economic status, or any other classification protected by federal, state, or local law. Publicizing opportunities through the career center helps ensure that all students have access to the opportunity, 通过在校园为雇主和学生提供一个联系点来防止混乱, 允许职业中心与雇主建立招聘关系, and helps protect students from employers whose practices may not meet your institution's recruitment or workplace standards, if any.

REFERRING CANDIDATES of Diverse Backgrounds

Employers may ask for your assistance with their efforts to recruit students from underrepresented backgrounds.

Guidance如果你有这样的要求,你应该立即联系就业指导中心. Based upon your institutions policies and procedures, you may also make announcements in class, 在系内张贴告示,并通知相关学生组织, e.g.比如西班牙裔或黑人工程师协会、女性组织或LGBTQ群体. 你也应该把雇主推荐给你学校的多元化和包容性办公室,如果有的话. The diversity and inclusion office may be authorized to provide a list of the members of a requested population. You should not identify any specific individuals based upon their race or perceived race or background.

Rationale你可以帮助雇主接触不同的学生群体, but you have an obligation to provide a system where all students have access to information about career opportunities, not just those you happen to know. There are other legal implications that may be at issue with regard to such requests; consequently, before you provide any information, 你应该联系就业服务中心,以确定任何要求或限制.


Guidance:如果雇主要求你为学生提供书面或口头推荐信, 你或学校必须事先获得学生的书面授权, and you should provide information that is based on facts, not conjecture, 而且不涉及与该学生的工作资格无关的个人信息. If you are unclear of what you can and cannot share, 联系你的就业服务办公室获取信息和指导. NACE's sample faculty reference letter template provides general guidance that may be useful.

Rationale: You may expose yourself and your institution to legal liability if you share protected students' information without their permission, or limit a student's opportunities through opinion or speculation or by sharing irrelevant information.


Check with your career services office for additional resources that can assist you in assuring a hiring process that is free from discrimination and provides equal opportunities to all qualified students.

Courtesy of the National Association of Colleges and Employers

Attend the ODU Career Summit

这次会议将招聘人员与ODU教职员工联系起来, 以建立人才管道和支持学生实现职业目标为特色.